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The goal of the Ladybird Pickwick Project is to provide a comprehensive resource for information to educate visitors about the Ladybird Pickwick collaboration.

​ is an unofficial fan site. We are in no way officially affiliated with Ladybird or Pickwick and their representation.  This is a non-profit website run by fans and all materials on this site are for entertainment purposes only.  We are not compensated in any way for any portion of this site.


No copyright infringement is ever intended.  We do not claim ownership of any materials displayed on this website.  Any articles, photos, videos, or audio clips used on the site are copyrighted to their respective owners; no copyright infringement intended. If the owner of any media wants to see it removed on this website, please contact us via the contact form, specify what you want removed and give us time to remove it before taking any further action.  Similarly, if you are a copyright holder and wish credits on your images or articles, please let us know and we will be glad to add them promptly.


If you are the owner of content that is being used here without your permission, then please contact the webmaster. You will need to provide some evidence to support your claim of ownership, however, , and such request will be complied with promptly and respectfully. If there is a possible agreement by which content can remain here and simultaneous fulfill your copyright information, please say so (such as watermarks or link credits) as well.


By law, prior to subjecting this website with an infringement suit and having the ISP remove the material in question, anyone claiming infringement is required to inform us of the situation and provide ten days in which the infringee must respond to any queries from us.  The exact notice procedure is detailed and there must be substantial compliance for it to apply. In other words, someone cannot just say, “this is copyright infringement, take it off” and hit us with a lawsuit.

Because no copyright infringement is ever intended, in the vast majority of these requests, we promptly remove or edit the page in question as a good-faith service.  Simply by removing the material in question, we and our ISP are protected against any legal liability.


Terms of Use


By visiting this site, you are bound by the following terms:

(In the terms below, WEBMASTER refers to the owner(s) and/or maintainer(s) of this entire web site.)

• You agree not to threaten, harass, take legal action against, coerce, make demands or requests of, or force signatures or other legal contracts with the WEBMASTER no matter what the reason, even if you feel you have legal right.

• You agree not to hold the WEBMASTER liable for anything you find on this site.

• You agree not to redistribute any portion of this site.

• Unless specified otherwise, the WEBMASTER does not claim ownership to anything found on this site.

• The WEBMASTER does not knowingly intend or attempt to offend or violate any copyright or intellectual property rights of any entity.

• The WEBMASTER does not claim any affiliation or connection with Ladybird or Pickwick.

• This is a fan-operated site and the WEBMASTER is not compensated for any portion of this site in any way.

• The WEBMASTER reserves the right to make changes to any part of this site at any time.

• These terms are in effect throughout the entire site and include all content.

©2020 by The Ladybird Pickwick Project.

This website has no affiliation with Ladybird or Pickwick.


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