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Book Shelf



   Many of you will fondly remember the popular Ladybird/Pickwick children’s book and accompanying cassette series, more commonly referred to as the Tell-A-Tale series. Originally produced in the 1980’s, this series never enjoyed CD distribution or was ever commercially digitised despite the changing media landscape.

The Ladybird Pickwick Project is an initiative aimed at the conservation of these recordings so that they may be preserved for future generations. Our ultimate aim is the digitisation of the entire Tell-A-Tale series.  In addition, we aim to digitally remaster the collection in an effort to maximise the audio quality of those original recordings.

In presenting this website, we hope to facilitate a community platform which strives in collaboration to preserve, digitise and share these treasured stories before they are lost to time.


We especially invite you to our forums, where we welcome queries and discussion about the series, fond memories, digital story requests and downloads links.


We also offer a reference point for the Tell-A-Tale series as a whole, including it's historical background as well as a unique and exclusive interview we held with one of the producers of the series.


Click on the "Log In" link below if you'd like to sign-up as a new member for free access to the Downloads section and to post in the forums. You can also subscribe if you'd like to be notified of new blog content.


Your friends @ The Ladybird Pickwick Project



The below tracks of Side A of Beauty & The Beast demonstrate how we have digitally tried to  minimise high frequency white noise (tape hiss) from the analog recording of the tape. The first track is the original and the second is the digitally altered version. We try to strike a balance between some tape white noise while preserving as much of the original recording as possible.

©2020 by The Ladybird Pickwick Project.

This website has no affiliation with Ladybird or Pickwick.


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